From the YFCA & SFCA QLD Instagram account
To our dearest brothers and sisters, It has officially been one month since the end of our National Conference. Words still fall short to describe how beautiful God works and I know many of us have walked away with memories and lessons that we now carry with us for the rest of our lives.
We were taught that faith, is believing without seeing. But we see. It is experiences like this that reveal to us, there is Someone bigger working. There is a God, so good, so just, so loving and so kind, that is watching over us. He is our Pioneer and Perfecter. But He does not only work once a year, God proves to us day after day what a waymaker He is. I pray that this conference did not only serve as proof to some, but rather a reminder of His works that are present in every second we breathe and in every moment after that. When our lives get difficult, and weekends like this begin to become distant memories, may we never forget His love— a grace that has inspired hundreds of us in this community and millions of those outside of it, to live. Every day is a blessing, so embrace it.
We hope this doesn’t reignite any PCD but we are sending you all so much love and prayers, and so excited to see you guys in Adelaide next year.
All love,
Conference Talks
Dance Competition
Cheer Competition
Band Competition
Chorale Competition
Banner Competition