In January the Family Ministry held a SFC/YFC sports festival. The day was filled with sports, fun, competition and fellowship. Some sports that were played during the sport fest was basketball, volleyball, badminton, dodgeball, tug-o-war and much more! The sports fest took place in Hibiscus Sports Complex on January 14. Lots of people competed and had fun. There were also many prizes such as pastries and sweets. The S/YFCA Sportsfest was a great time to express your talent in sports and sportsmanship and have a great time!
February 4th during the Evangelisation Rally praise and worship was led by S/YFCA band.There was a full program for the CFCA community that was prepared by the service team. The National CFCA Director, Bro Edwin Aguirre, to speak to them about the theme for 2023 followed by Fr Ray Sanchez expanding further the theme and ended the event with the Holy Mass.
March was the preparation for the upcoming events for the family ministry specifically the KFCA Champ camp, YEP, HOLD local conference and SFCA CLP. However, During the Lenten Retreat Led by the PFO our ever energetic HOLD was in charged of the preparation for the HOLY Mass.
On 15-16 April 2023 the KFCA Queensland Champ Camp was held overnight attended by twenty six KFCAs. With the help of the twelve YFCA service team, they learned about the importance of perseverance, love, patience, teamwork and sacrifice and how to be champions in life through Christ.
The family ministry of the CFCA community are all very excited for the upcoming events of the year.
There is a perfect blend of fun and inspiring activities for everyone involved, both young and old. It affirmed the value of a community that is walking together with God and each other.
