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Pastoral Care and Support (PCS) Team in Action

The Pastoral Care and Support (PCS) completed its Planning meeting today via zoom.

Our PCS Director, brother Ed Cablao with the assistance of sis Jo Cablao as well as our PCS National Director bro Noli Robles conducted the planning session and was a very productive event.

The meeting was well attended by the PCS Coordinators from the different states. We were greeted by a very special guest, our sister Minda Robles.

Below are the PCS coordinators from the different states:

NSW – Bert and Lorie Sacriz, Noe and Mely Adan, Morie and Evie Balisbisan,  

Queensland – Mitch and Jeanette Espares

South Australia – Francis and Vilma Faustorilla

Western Australia – Tutus and Joyce D’Bayan, Choon and Cecilia Chiu (Family Ministry)

Tasmania – Tony and Heidi Portugal

Victoria – Bong and Marla Sales

Bro Ed shared what transpired at the recent National Council (NC) Planning meeting with the Area Leaders which included topics about strategic imperatives, creative evangelisation, alignment of our actions towards our 5000 in 5 campaign, our challenges, our personal journey and many other interesting topics.

The group had an activity where they reflected and shared as a couple their burning aspirations for CFCA. The response given were very inspiring and enriching.

It was indeed a very insightful meeting with our PCS coordinators, well done everyone! Sharing some of our lovely group photos!


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