Week 2 – Culture in CFCA covering:
4) Pastoral Correction and Encouragement
5) Integration of Family Ministries to CFCA Structures
6) CFCA is pro-God, pro-Church, pro-Family, pro-Life and pro-Poor
4) Pastoral Correction and Encouragement
In CFCA, we provide pastoral care, guidance and direction to our members
and leaders. This includes handling of pastoral issues of members and
relational issues among them. Leaders must exercise pastoral correction in
areas of serious wrongdoings such as vices, addiction, uncontrolled anger,
disrespect to CFCA and Church leaders, unfaithfulness to Household
meetings, trainings and teachings and indifference to the culture of CFCA
and teachings, morals, values and traditions of the Catholic Church.
Continued improvements in these areas are expected of our members and
leaders. Otherwise, it may become ground for dismissal from CFCA.
CFCA is also a ministry of encouragement. Leaders in CFCA are expected to
encourage their members to persevere in their pursuit of improving their
personal and spiritual life and in their service to the Lord and brothers and
sisters in the community.
5) Integration of Family Ministries to CFCA Structures
CFCA is a holistic community wherein all members are intimately integrated
into one body. Our Family Ministries (KFCA, YFCA, SFCA, HOLD and SOLD)
being part of the community must be fully integrated with CFCA and not to
function on their own. The governance structure of the Family Ministries
must be incorporated within the pastoral and service structures of every
CFCA Chapter. A Chapter being a mini-CFCA has the responsibility to ensure
that the Family Ministries are properly resourced and fully supported in
order for them to effectively conduct their activities and to achieve their
goals and objectives.
6) CFCA is pro-God, pro-Church, pro-Family, pro-Life and pro-Poor
CFCA embraces and follow the Catholic Church’s principles of pro-family,
pro-life and pro-poor. We believe that the Sacrament of Marriage is
between a man and a woman. We respect the sanctity of life from
conception to natural death and we believe that no man has the right to
interfere with God’s plan on His creation. We embrace Jesus’ preferential
love for the poor and we have a program on alleviating poverty through our
Love in Action programs.